Our Commitment to Your Privacy
Confidentiality and nondisclosure are crucial issues for the
individual transferring personal information on the Internet. Regarding the emails and résumés you send to our website, North
American International Engineering consulting Group guarantees the privacy of all information and the identity of all visitors.
When you sign up, we ask for specific information about you, such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.
Your résumé will be reviewed in confidentiality and only by our staffing consultants. It will not be viewable to site visitors
or the public. The information you provide helps you and your staffing consultant streamline your job search. We use your
information only for this purpose. Should we amend sensitive information handling because our operations change, we will advise
you in advance here. If at any time, you have questions or concerns about privacy, please email your concerns to us at info@eslweekly.com